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Welcome to my personal website! 


I use this site to tell about my interests, share publications and other materials related to my research. In addition, I am regularly commenting on current trends in the world of global governance, education sectors, teaching and learning.


Since November 2023, I am a Lecturer in Education in the School of Education, University of Glasgow. Here I do research and teach about global education governance, international and comparative education, and sociology of education.  


Previously, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Hertie School, Berlin, Germany, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, and UC Louvain outside Brussels, Belgium. I undertook my PhD at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK. 

Photo by Hugues Draelants

Research interests

Global governance and education are my principal research topics. I have worked with these issues in many different ways since the mid-2000s.


One of my continuous interests has been the varying outcomes of liberalisation and liberal ideology in education sectors across the globe over the last 30 years.  



In November 2024 the World Yearbook of Education 2025. The Teaching Profession in a Globalizing World: Governance, Career, Learning was published. I co-edited this volume together with Xavier Dumay and Lynn Paine. The World Yearbook of Education book series goes back to the 1960s. It was such a pleasure and also slightly surreal to edit this volume, since the series has been a continuous source of inspiration and point of reference in my work since my Masters studies in the mid-2000s.


My recent most article was written with Lukas Graf and discusses the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies - a European Union policy initiative launched in 2022 - as a case of experimentalist governance. The article's open access with Education Inquiry.   


In addition, I have in recent years published articles in the academic journals Comparative Education Review, Currículo sem Fronteiras, Discourse, European Educational Research Journal, and Globalisation, Societies and Education. 


I have also written several chapters in major anthologies about education policy and globalization. In particular, I edited the handbook section "Globalisation and Teacher Education" in The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (Editor-in-Chief Ian Menter). The handbook section includes eight chapters, including my introduction chapter "Globalization, Teachers, and Teacher Education: Theories, Themes, and Methodologies".   


Having authored several commissioned reports, I was a main contributor to the report Rhetoric or game changer: Social dialogue and industrial relations in education midst EU governance and privatisation in Europe, issued in 2021 as part of the European Commission-funded project "Social dialogue and industrial relations in education: The challenges of multi-level governance and privatisation in Europe."


I regularly seek to reach a wider audience via blogposts and magazines. In November 2021, Didactief, a leading journal in the Netherlands for teachers, school leaders, researchers and policymakers, published my article "Wie stopt macht van de markt?" as their lead story (here is the English language manucript). 

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