School of Education
University of Glasgow
Scotland, United Kingdom
and seminars
(with Xavier Dumay) Between education and employment: The EU governance architecture and the Europeanisation of teacher policy.
Hertie Scool of Governance Berlin, Workshop “Education and Training Policies in Europe", 23-24 April
Between education and employment: EU governance and the Europeanisation of teacher policy.
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Culture, Politics and Global Justice seminar, 20 November
Symposium Re-articulating the form of the political: Education governance in the European Union, including paper (with Xavier Dumay) European Union Governance, Social Dialogue And The Teacher Workforce.
European Conference on Education Research (ECER) 2019, Hamburg, 3-6 September
The cultural political economy of the OECD TALIS programme.
European Conference on Education Research (ECER) 2018, Bolzano, 4-7 September
Symposium (with Xavier Dumay) Teachers in the context of globalisation: Prospects for an expanding field, including paper (with Xavier Dumay) The teaching professions in the context of Europeanisation and globalisation: A systematic literature review.
European Conference on Education Research (ECER) 2018, Bolzano, 4-7 September
What are the implications of personalizing learning for the future of public education in our global culture of competitive comparison?
Twin Peaks Research Summit, Banff, 15 April
Panel Session The teaching professions and knowledge exchange in the context of globalization, including paper (with Xavier Dumay) The teaching professions and knowledge exchange in the context of globalization.
Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2018, Mexico City, 25-29 March
The teaching professions in the context of globalisation: A systematic literature review.
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Culture, Politics and Global Justice Academic Seminar, 7 February
Teacher appraisal and feedback: The practical argumentation of the OECD, the World Bank, and the European Commission.
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2017, San Antonio, 27 April – 1 May
Teacher appraisal and feedback: The practical argumentation of the European Commission, the OECD, and the World Bank. Symposium Global Perspectives on Market-Based Teacher Accountability Policies.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Dublin, 23–26 August
The uses of international comparative data for political objectives: the OECD TALIS programme and initial teacher education reform in England and Finland.
Universities in the Knowledge Economy conference, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, 15-17 June
The state in the global educational policy field: Finland, England and the OECD TALIS programme.
Education, Culture and Society Forum, Laboratory for Education and Society, KU Leuven, 18 March
The state in the global educational policy field: Finland, England and the OECD TALIS programme.
Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) conference, Helsinki, 9-11 March
Dimensions of acceptability: England in the OECD TALIS programme.
Work-In-Progress seminar, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, 29 February
Why are teachers on the global policy agenda? The practical argumentation of the OECD, the European Commission, teacher unions and business
Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, 1 December
(with Angeline M. Barrett) System level indicators for an education SDG: Exploring possibilities for the teachers target. Symposium “Measuring” What We Care About: Balancing the Politics and Promise of a Sustainable Post-2015 Education Agenda.
13th International Conference on Education and Development (UKFIET), Oxford, 15-17 September
Teachers on the global policy agenda: The practical argumentation of the OECD, the European Commission and Education International. Education, Society and Culture Conference, University of Helsinki, 1 June
Teachers, states, OECD: Does TALIS hijack social dialogue?
Work-In-Progress seminar, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, 28 April
The engagement of international teacher unions in the OECD programme TALIS: A conversation between critical cultural political economy and historical institutionalism.
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Washington DC, 8-13 March
Keynote address Et internationalt perspektiv på folkeskolereformen og lærerprofessionen.
Multikulturelle Skoler 2014: Synlig flersprogethed i den nye (folke)skole, Nyborg, Denmark, 17-18 November
The de-nationalisation of teacher policy in England and Finland.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Porto, 1-5 September
Keynote address Organiseringen af den skolepædagogiske indsats i forhold til flersprogede elever.
Conference hosted by Danish Union of Teachers, Local Branch Copenhagen, 22 May
Fragmenteret samspil? Skoler, kommuner og organiseringen af den skolepædagogiske indsats overfor flersprogede børn.
Nordic Council conference Rum för språkutveckling, hosted by the Swedish Skolverket, Stockholm, 2 October