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Peer-reviewed journal articles


Sorensen, T. B., & Graf, L. (2024). A European experiment in governing teacher education and training: the case of the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies. Education Inquiry, 1–28.


Sorensen, T. B., & Dumay, X. (2024). The European Union’s governance of teachers and the evolution of a bridging issue field since the mid-2000s. European Educational Research Journal,  23(2), 237-260.

Sorensen, T.B., & Eeva, K. (2024). Re-articulating the form of the political: Contemporary education governance in the European Union. Introduction to the Special Issue. European Educational Research Journal, 23(2), 165-177.


Sorensen, T.B., & Dumay, X. (2021). Special Section on Teachers, Teaching and Globalization: Introduction. Comparative Education Review, 65(4), 723-724. DOI: 10.1086/716449 


Sorensen, T.B., & Dumay, X. (2021). The Teaching Professions and Globalization: A Scoping Review of the Anglophone Research Literature. Comparative Education Review, 65(4), 725-749. DOI: 10.1086/716418 


Sorensen, T.B. (2021). The space for challenge in transnational education governance: The case of Education International and the OECD TALIS programme. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 42(4), 572-589. DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2020.1718611


Sorensen, T.B., Ydesen, C.,  & Robertson, S.L. (2021). Re-reading the OECD and education: the emergence of a global governing complex – an introduction. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(2). DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1897946


Sorensen, T.B., & Robertson, S.L. (2020). O programo da OCDE TALIS: enquadrando, medindo e vendendo professores de qualidade. Currículo sem Fronteiras, 20(1), 43-61. 


Sorensen, T.B., & Robertson, S.L. (2020). Ordinalization and the OECD's governance of teachersComparative Education Review, 64(1), 21–45. DOI: 10.1086/706758


Robertson, S.L., & Sorensen, T.B. (2018). Global transformations of the state, governance and teachers’ labour: Putting Bernstein’s conceptual grammar to work. European Educational Research Journal, 17(4), 470-488. DOI:10.1177/14749041177245


Holloway, J., Sorensen, T.B., & Verger, A. (2017). Global Perspectives on High-Stakes Teacher Accountability Policies: An Introduction. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(85), 1-18. DOI: 10.14507/epaa.25.3325 


Sorensen, T.B. (2012). Kortsluttet kosmopolitanisme: Marginaliseringen af engelsk som andetsprog ["Shortcircuited cosmopolitanism: The marginalisation of English as an Additional Language"]. Sprogforum, 55, 71-78.


Sorensen, T.B. (2011). The two nationalistic narratives in Danish compulsory education. Exedra Revista Cientifica, 3(1), 15-24.


Milana, M., & Sorensen, T.B. (2009). Promoting Democratic Citizenship Through Non-Formal Adult Education: The Case of Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(4), 347 - 362. DOI:10.1080/00313830903043125

PhD thesis

Sorensen, T.B. (2017). Work In Progress: The Political Construction of The OECD Programme Teaching And Learning International Survey. University of Bristol, Graduate School of Education.



Dumay, X., Sorensen, T.B., & Paine, L. (Eds. 2024). World Yearbook of Education 2025. The Teaching Profession in a Globalizing World: Governance, Career, Learning. Abingdon: Routledge.


Sorensen, T.B. (Ed. 2022). Handbook Section “Globalization and teacher education” (8 chapters), in The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research, Editor-in-Chief Ian Menter, University of Oxford and Kazan Federal University (on-line publication 2022, in print 2023)

Book chapters

Dumay, X., Sorensen, T.B., & Paine, L. (2024). Introduction – The Teaching Profession in a Globalizing World: Governance, Career, Learning. In World Yearbook of Education 2025. The Teaching Profession in a Globalizing World: Governance, Career, Learning, edited by X. Dumay, T.B. Sorensen & L. Paine, 1-22. Abingdon: Routledge.


Sorensen, T.B. (2022). "Globalization, Teachers, and Teacher Education: Theories, Themes, and Methodologies." In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research, edited by I. Menter. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.


Milana, M., & Sorensen, T.B. (2020). "Promoção da Cidadania Democrática através da Educação de Adultos Não-Formal: O caso da Dinamarca". In Grundtvig e Freire: escolas populares na Dinamarca e no Brasil, edited by S. Haddad, 106-128. São Paulo: Ação Educativa

Paper originally published in  Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(4), translated to the Portuguese by Sérgio Haddad.


Sorensen, T.B., & Robertson, S.L. (2018). "Reframing Teachers’ Work for Global Competitiveness: New Global Hierarchies in the Governing of Education". In The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform, edited by K.J.Saltman & A.J. Means, 87-112. Wiley-Blackwell.


Sorensen, T.B., & Robertson, S.L.(2017). "The OECD program TALIS and Framing, Measuring and Selling Quality Teacher™". In Routledge International Handbook of Teacher Quality And Policy, edited by M. Akiba & G.K. LeTendre, 117-131. Routledge.


Sorensen, T.B. (2017). "Teachers and the global educational policy field". In The Global Educational Policy Environment in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Gated, Regulated and Governed, edited by T.D. Jules, 59-84. Emerald.


Sorensen, T.B. (2012). "Paradox of liberalism: Citizenship education in Denmark". In Intercultural Policies and Education, edited by S. Goncalves & M. Carpenter, 225-244. Bern: Peter Lang.


Sorensen, T.B. (2012). "The seductive reasoning of Danish compulsory schooling reform". In Perspectives on European Educational Policy and Practice: papers from the Erasmus Intensive Programme Summer Schools, Haapsalu, Estonia, August 2009 and 2010, edited by P. Garland, A. Larson, E. Lofstrom & I. Garland. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.


Sorensen, T. (2008). "Developing teacher competences in facilitating content and language learning among bilingual students in the Danish mainstream classroom". In Identity, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue, edited by S. Goncalves. Coimbra: Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior de Educação.

Commissioned reports

Sorensen, T.B., Grimaldi, E., & Gajderowicz, T. (Eds. 2021). Rhetoric or game changer: Social dialogue and industrial relations in education midst EU governance and privatisation in Europe. Final project report “Social dialogue and industrial relations in education: The challenges of multi-level governance and privatisation in Europe (IR-EDUREFORM). Brussels: ETUCE.


Sørensen, T.B. (2017). School vouchers and the privileges of choice. Education International.


Sørensen, T.B. (2016). Value-added measurement or modelling (VAM). Education International.


Sørensen, T.B. (2015). Review of Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). Education International.


Barrett, A.M., & Sorensen, T.B. (2015). Indicators for All? Monitoring Quality and Equity for a Broad and Bold Post-2015 Global Education Agenda. New York: Open Society Foundations.


Sørensen, T. (2008). Eksplicit fokus på sproget - samarbejde i natur/teknik og dansk som andetsprog [’Explicit focus on language – co-operation in Nature/Technics and Danish as a Second Language’]. In Sproget med i alle fag: Andetsprog og didaktik i folkeskolen, edited by H.P. Laursen, L.M. Daugaard, U. Lundqvist, & T. Sørensen. Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education.


Sørensen, T., & Laursen, H.P. (2008). Skriftsproget i natur/teknik [’Written language in the subject Nature/Technics’]. In Sproget med i alle fag: Andetsprog og didaktik i folkeskolen, edited by H.P. Laursen, L.M. Daugaard, U. Lundqvist, & T. Sørensen. Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education.


Milana, M., & Sørensen, T.B. (2007). Case study: The World is Burning (Krogerup Højskole), DK. The stocktaking study on Lifelong Learning for Democratic Citizenship through Adult Education (funded by the EU Socrates-Grundtvig scheme).


Milana, M., & Sørensen, T.B. (2007). Case study: Teaching European Active Citizenship (TEACh)-course1, EU. The stocktaking study on Lifelong Learning for Democratic Citizenship through Adult Education (funded by the EU Socrates-Grundtvig scheme)


Milana, M., & Sørensen, T.B. (2007). Case study: the project ”Udspil”1 (Dag Højskoler), DK. The stocktaking study on Lifelong Learning for Democratic Citizenship through Adult Education (funded by the EU Socrates-Grundtvig scheme).


Jensen, A.E., Høj, E., Jacobsen, I.M. Hansen, I.F., Bernhard, L., & Sørensen, T. (2006). Danskfaget på mellemtrinnet og de tosprogede elever [Danish in the intermediate stage and the bilingual pupils’]. In Dansk som andetsprog i relation til danskfaget, edited by H.P. Laursen. CVU København & Nordsjælland and Københavns Kommune.


Andersen, M.W., Gormsen, S., Haase, K., Hagbo, C., Høegh, J., Larsen, S.G., Schneider, W., & Sørensen, T. (2003). Undervisning af tosprogede elever i matematik [Teaching bilingual pupils in Mathematics]. In Dansk som andetsprog i fagene, edited by H.P. Laursen. CVU København & Nordsjælland and Københavns Kommune.

Miscellaneous - blogposts, magazine articles, podcasts

Sorensen, T.B. (2021). Wie stopt macht van de markt? Didactief 51(9): 15-19 (see English language manuscript)


Podcast (published 1 June 2021) “Continuity, adaptation, change: the roles and workings of the OECD in global education governance” in podcast series Higher Education Researcher, Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University, about the objectives and editing of the Special Issue "Re-reading the OECD and education: the emergence of a global governing complex", published in Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(2), March 2021.


Commitment to social dialogue in education in the European Union: rhetoric or game-changer? (w/ Emiliano Grimaldi and Tomasz Gajderowicz). Educational International, 18 May 2021


The need for strategy and teacher activism in transnational governance. Worlds of Education, 23 March 2020 


The possibilities for South-North dialogue in education research. Worlds of Education, 27 March 2018


Learning assessment and assessment learning: International large-scale assessment and the politics of capacity-building. Globalisation, Education & Social Futures, University of Bristol, 28 June 2016


VAM, school effectiveness and the politics of distraction. Worlds of Education, 29 February 2016


Race to the bottom: big data and teacher evaluation frameworks. In G20, Turkey: The Antalya Summit November 2015, edited by Munk School of Global Affairs, G20 Research Group, University of Toronto, 114


Distance, proximity and Australia in global education governance. Globalisation, Education & Social Futures, University of Bristol, 7 December 2015


A critical review of Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). Worlds of Education, 30 September 2015


The Politics of Indicator Development in the Education 2030 Framework for Action. NORRAG NEWSbite, 9 July 2015


Interview on language-across-the-curriculum teaching practices for the DVD Lige muligheder for alle [‘Equal Opportunities for All’] produced by HVProduktion (2011). The DVD disseminated the results from a R&D project about inclusion of ethnic minority students in Danish VUCs (“Adult Education Centre”]


Interview on teaching methods and teacher co-operation in multilingual school environments. On Danish Radio 8 January 2009 in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) programme ‘P1 Orientering’, under the programme heading ‘Tosprogs-taskforce skal vise gode eksempler’ (’Bilingualism Task Force going to present examples of good practice’)

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